Meet the 31-year-old cat who still has many lives to live – The Oldest Cat

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31-year old cat

In the feline world, Nutmeg stands as a living testament to the adage that age is just a number. Celebrating his 31st birthday last year, equivalent to a remarkable 141 human years, Nutmeg has become an iconic figure in the realm of senior cats.

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Nutmeg’s journey into the hearts of his human companions, Liz and Ian Finlay, began an impressive 26 years ago when he mysteriously appeared in their backyard. Described as “absolutely gorgeous” by his adoring owners, Nutmeg has effortlessly ruled their household for over two and a half decades.

Initially taken in as a stray in 1990, Nutmeg received essential care for an abscess on his neck from Cats Protection. The organization estimated his age to be at least five years, setting the stage for what would become an extraordinary journey with the Finlay family.

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Despite facing the challenge of officially documenting Nutmeg’s age for a potential Guinness World Record, the Finlays are determined to showcase the extraordinary longevity of their feline friend. Nutmeg’s stroke last year posed a momentary setback, but he has since bounced back, leaving everyone around him in awe of his resilience and vitality.

“He never lets us forget that we’re his humans, and maybe that’s the key to his long and happy life,” shares Liz Finlay, emphasizing the strong bond they share with their senior companion.

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Nutmeg’s daily routine is a testament to his royal treatment, with a 5 a.m. breakfast ritual that highlights his privileged status in the household. The Finlays, enchanted by Nutmeg’s charming personality, have lovingly embraced the role of caretakers for this unofficial record-holder as they work towards securing the rightful recognition of Nutmeg’s extraordinary longevity.

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In a world where age often dictates limitations, Nutmeg stands as a beacon of inspiration, proving that a feline friend can defy the odds and age with grace, charm, and a dash of royal flair.

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