Feisty’s Remarkable Comeback: From Collapsed on the Sidewalk to a Home Overflowing with Love

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In mid-September, the streets of Brooklyn bore witness to a heartbreaking scene — a dog, later named Feisty, was found collapsed, motionless, and emaciated. Bystanders initially thought she had succumbed to her dire state, but to everyone’s surprise, she clung to life despite being mere skin and bones.

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Word of Feisty’s plight spread on social media, catching the attention of Second Chance Rescue. With the assistance of a compassionate Good Samaritan, she was swiftly transported to an emergency hospital. In a dire condition, Feisty began her journey to recovery with antibiotics, fluids, and pain medication. Her rescuers faced uncertainty about her survival.

Rachel Larkin, director of social media for Second Chance Rescue, described Feisty’s initial state, detailing her sickness, dehydration, malnutrition, and the neglect evident in her overgrown nails and clumps of missing hair. The looming question was whether the masses on her body were cancerous or benign.

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Despite her suffering, Feisty radiated sweetness from the moment of her rescue. Desiring nothing more than love, she expressed gratitude to those who offered the care she had never known before. Larkin shared, “Feisty was pure love from the moment she was found laid out on that sidewalk.”

Suspecting cancer, Feisty became a fospice (foster hospice) dog. However, when biopsy results revealed that the masses were benign, her fate took a joyous turn. Quickly winning the hearts of her foster family, Feisty, affectionately known as FeeFee, transitioned from hospice to adoption.

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Now thriving in her new life, FeeFee has blossomed into a happy, healthy senior dog. Embraced by a family that adores her, she spends her days basking in love and comfort. Ursula Schmidt, FeeFee’s mom, shared the positive transformation: “FeeFee aka Feisty is coming out of her shell … She LOVES visitors and meeting everyone during walks. It is very important to her to greet everyone.”

From the verge of abandonment to a life overflowing with love, Feisty’s story is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of compassion. Her journey from the brink of despair to a warm and caring home is a heartening reminder that every dog deserves a chance at a brighter future.

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